Build With Proto-USD


Use the ProtoGateway contracts on all chains. The contracts are identical on all deployed chains.

send(uint _destChainId, address _recipient, uint _USDCamount);

send(uint _destChainId, address _recipient, uint _USDCamount, bytes memory _userData);

The send() function initiates a transfer of USDC or Bridged USDC to a recipient on a destination chain.

  • _destChainId = The chain ID of the destination blockchain

  • _recipient = The wallet address of the recipient on the destination blockchain

  • _USDCamount = The amount of USDC or Bridged USDC to be transferred (6 decimal)

  • _userData_ = OPTIONAL. Additional data to be sent along with the transfer.

How To Use

  1. Use the official Circle USDC - On testnets, obtain from the official testnet faucet.

  2. Approve the desired amount of USDC to the ProtoGateway contract.

  3. Call send(_destChainId, _recipient, _amount)

For a list of Proto connected blockchains and associated contract addresses, please see the next section.

Last updated